domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Epic Romances (The Ineligibles)

Should I explain or the title says it all? I'm about to start a series featuring my favorite romances of the last decade and I have decided some standards that make some wonderful romances ineligible. And this post is for them.

Rule #1: No happy endings. Obviously SPOILERS
Ineligible 1: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The gorgeous story of Clementine and Joel has a happy ending but that doesn't make it less special. Anyway it will have to wait for another series...

Ineligible 2: WALL·E
The same goes for the tale of WALL·E and EVE and their ecological love.

Rule #2: Both parts must be obviously in love. Again SPOILERS
Ineligible 3: (500) Days of Summer
Even though it is totally impossible to understand Summer Finn never falls in love with Tom Hansen. Something is wrong with her (apart from that Ringo thing) but I cannot help loving her a big lot.

Rule #3: Last decade (2000-2009) NOT REALLY SPOILERS
Ineligible 4: Room in Rome
This wonderful drama by Julio Medem opened in Spain this year (2010) and so does not count as last decade. But it is really and incredibly wonderful...

And so these are the ones that didn't make the cut. But several did... Coming soon!

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